Spanish version: Sobre el Repamar
The Pan American Network of Environmental Management of Waste (REPAMAR) is a regional initiative whose purpose is the minimization of waste production, to improve the environmentally adequate management of the waste in order to contribute to sustainable human development.
REPAMAR proposes in integrating the efforts of the sectors involved in the environmental safety: the productive sector and services that generate the waste, the government that controls the environmental quality, and the affected community (including the scientific community).
The Network is a product of an agreement of mutual cooperation between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, through the Agency of Technical Cooperation
(GTZ), and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), through the Division of Health and Environment/Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (CEPIS).
The GTZ is an autonomous entity of the German Federal Government, whose activities are inserted in the technical cooperation field. In 100 countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, 4,500 experts, aprox., collaborate with their counterparts of developing countries in the realization of projects that encompass almost all the areas of the agriculture and silviculture, economic and social development, as well as the institutional and physical infrastructure.
Reached results
During the realization of the Project previously known as “Technical Strengthening of CEPIS”, financed by GTZ, case studies were concluded on waste minimization in three industries: tanneries, Textile and Galvanoplasty.
In addition, it has been placed in special emphasis on the management of the hospital waste and to the secure landfill design.
The REPAMAR, in addition to establishing work ties with the governmental entities, has also extended your contacts with the industries, the universities, and community organizations that are interested in the adequate management of the environment.
Currently, the member countries of the REPAMAR have a Coordinating National Center (CNC) and an Information Center and Communications (CIC), who are the representatives before the regional coordinator of the REPAMAR and in turn of those who are responsible for your operation.
Argentina within his ‘work plan’ for the present year; is developing some pilot projects for the waste minimization in the textile and tannery industries.
Objectives of the REPAMAR
- Reducing the waste contamination is the purpose of minimizing their harmful effects on the health and the environment. For this purpose, it proposes the use of compatible technologies with the development strategies of Latin America and the Caribbean region.
- To strengthen the institutions that coordinate REPAMAR in the countries and to the entities that regulate the management of the toxic and dangerous substances, so that they have legislation and mechanisms that guarantee their fulfillment.
- Developing programs of the consensus-building between those which generate the waste, and those who control the contamination, as well as the community.
- To evaluate and control the occupational risks which are generated by dangerous and toxic substances.
- To compile and to disseminate information related to the environmental management of the waste and production of clean technologies, utilizing the services of REPIDISCA and Internet facilities.
Countries that participate in the REPAMAR
The Network is currently formed by Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Peru. Mexico and Panama are in the process of entering the REPAMAR. CEPIS is the regional coordinator in each country that has a Coordinating National Center which is elected by the public entities, private, NGOs, and universities that integrate the National Network.
Responsibilities of the participants
- To create programs for consensus-building with the productive sector and services, the government, the universities, the community organizations, and NGOs in order to minimize and improve the management of the domestic and industrial waste.
- Disseminating and applying in the national industries, the waste minimization technology is required in order to promote the sustainable development.
- To develop the capacity of controling governmental agencies and nonprofit organizations that are concerned about reaching a better environmental quality level.
- To compile and to exchange the technical information that each REPAMAR participating country has generated on waste minimization.
Services of the REPAMAR in the countries
- Advisory services of national, regional and international experts.
- Access, through the Internet, to the information on clean technologies from production and on environmental management of waste.
- Supporting the development of pilot projects for the adaptation and implementation of the production of clean technologies.
- Contacting donor agencies for the acquisition of external financing include seminars and events.
The services of the REPAMAR can be requested through:
National Coordinating Centers
– REMAR-Argentina –
Asociación Argentina de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente – AIDIS / Instituto Nacional del Agua y del Ambiente INA (ex–INCYTH)
Telephone: (541) 381-5832, 381-7665
Fax: (541) 381-5903
Belgrano 1580 3er. Piso (1093), Buenos Aires
– REBRAMAR-Brasil –
Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis – IBAMA
Telephone: (061) 225-0564
Fax: (061) 225-0564
Sain Av. L4 Norte Bloco “C”, Ed. Sede do IBAMA
CEP 70800-200 Brasília D.F.
Compañía de Tecnología de Saneamiento Ambiental – CETESB, Sao Paulo
Telephone: (5511) 210-7293
Fax: (5511) 813-0227
– REPAMAR-Colombia –
Asociación Colombiana de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental – ACODAL/Ministerio del Ambiente
Telephones y Fax: (571) 621-3680 , 624-3721, 618-127, 621-3690, 236-6886
Carrera 15 Nro. 78-48 oficina 401 – Santafé de Bogotá
– REPAMAR-Costa Rica –
Ministerio de Salud
División de Saneamiento Ambiental
Departamento de Control Ambiental
Telephone: (506) 255-3711
Fax: (506) 233-0903
Apartado 10123-1000 – San José de Costa Rica
Web Netsalud
– REPAMAR-Ecuador –
Empresa Metropolitana de Aseo – EMASEO
Telephone: (593-2) 58-3345; 58-3414
Fax: (593-2) 58-3413
Briceño 605 y Guayaquil – Quito
– REMEXMAR-México –
Instituto Nacional de Ecología – INE
Dirección General de Residuos, Materiales y Riesgos
Telephone: (52-5) 553-9601
Fax: (52-5) 5539753
Río Elba Nro. 20, Colonia Cauhtemoc
06500 México, D. F.
– REPAMAR-Panama –
Ministerio de Salud
Division de Salud Ambiental
Telephone: (50-7) 262 2492; 262 1748
Fax: (50-7) 262 6995
Apartado Postal 2048, Panama
– REPEMAR-Perú –
Ministerio de Salud
Dirección General de Salud Ambiental – DIGESA
Telephone: (511) 421-0258; 421-0146
Fax: (511) 440-0399
Las Amapolas 350 3er. Piso Lince, Lima
– Centro Panamericano de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente.
Proyecto Red Panamericana de Manejo Ambiental de Residuos Repamar. –
División de Salud Ambiental.
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
World Health Organization (WHO). CEPIS
Telephone: (511) 437-1077
Fax: (511) 437-8289
Los Pinos 259, Urb. Camacho, Lima 12, Perú
Casilla de Correo 4337 – Lima 100, Perú